A Randomly Selected Newspaper Headline:

The following is a randomly selected newspaper headline from many years ago:

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Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Bakery - Week Four

Inbetween futsing about with staircases for MB's, I started work on the bakery oven. It is made in two parts, the base and the top. The base is made out of foamboard, is rectangular with two arched openings in the front and is where the fire that heats the oven will be located. The upper section is made of airdrying clay. I started creating a 'form' out of alfoil and bits of cardboard and foam that was about the right size and shape as I wanted the finished oven to be. Then I rolled the clay out to a few mm thick and draped it over the form and cut the clay to fit. Next I removed the clay from the form and lay it flat again. I cut out the arched opening in the front (so that the bakers can get the bread in and out of the oven)and used a toothpick to make grooves to give the impression of bricks. The clay was then put back over the form do that it dried to shape.

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